Friday, April 17, 2015

Reading Eggs

Gully is working on his 'Reading Eggs' learn-to-read program, while his sister looks on.

A treasure

Great grandma Pat sent Skye a beautiful silver shoe with her name, birthday, birth time, weight and height.

Gully loves it and says it reminds him of Skye in case he forgets. Gully also made a shoe measurer for it. I called the shoe a treasure, so Gully wondered if it came out of the ground.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Passed down generations

This hand-knitted outfit was given to Morgan's aunt Tracey for her daughter Christy, she gave it to Morgan's mum Helen (Skye's grandma) for her daughter Alice (Skye's aunt). Helen gave me the outfit for Gully. Each time the outfit was the wrong size and season for the intended bub, so was passed on barely worn. Skye is about to grow out of it, but it's just cool enough for her to enjoy now. It's so cuddly!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Size 0

This outfit makes me happy because I remember Gully wearing it when he was three months old and delighted in the jolly jumper.